Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

An RDSP is a special program that helps Canadians with disabilities save for long term financial requirements.


Designed for Canadians with disabilities and their families

Registered Disability Savings Plan

A Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a special program for Canadians with disabilities and their families, to help save for long-term financial needs1 like future medical costs. Learn more.

Benefits of a TD RDSP*1

  • Government assistance

    To help your savings grow faster, the government provides grants and bonds.

  • Tax-deferred growth

    Income earned from the RDSP grows on a tax-deferred basis until funds are withdrawn, after which they are taxed as income.

  • No annual maximum

    Contributions can be up to a lifetime limit of $200,000 and can be made up until the end of the beneficiary’s 59th year.

A beneficiary can withdraw from an RDSP in two ways:

Annual withdrawals
Annual withdrawals, or Lifetime Disability Assistance Payments (LDAPs), begin by the end of the year in which the beneficiary turns 60. These annual payments will then continue for the life of the beneficiary.

One-time withdrawal
This form of withdrawal is known as a Disability Assistance Payments (DAPs)2, and can be paid to the beneficiary any time after the RDSP is established.


1Refers to the TD Waterhouse Disability Savings Plan.

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Ways to Apply

  • Book an appointment

    Meet with a banking specialist in person at the branch closest to you.

  • Call us

    Our banking specialists are ready to answer your questions and can assist you with your application.

    1-800-386-3757 1-800-386-3757

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